
Dr NGP Arts and Science College Library

Page history last edited by M. Muthukrishnan 3 weeks, 2 days ago

Dr. N.G.P. Arts and Science College

(An Autonomous Institution, Affiliated to Bharathiar University, Coimbatore)

 Approved by Government of Tamil Nadu and Re-accredited by NAAC with ‘A++ Grade (3rd Cycle – 3.64 CGPA)

DST – FIST | DBT – Star College Scheme, Dr. N.G.P.-Kalapatti Road, Coimbatore – 641 048, Tamil Nadu, India.

Department of Library

About the Department

The Library rules are introduced to regularize the use of the library resources and will be reviewed periodically to meet the changing needs.



Name of the Librarian   :         Dr. M. MuthuKrishnan


Qualification                 :           B.Sc, MLIS, M.Phil, PGDCA., Ph. D.,


Experience                    :           21 Years




*1. Introduction


Central Library plays a vital role in furthering the academic and research mission and facilitates creation and dissemination of knowledge. Besides holding an excellent print collection of over 18897 volumes of books, more than 3000 Back volumes and 200 journals, theses, reports, it also provides access to over 80,000 electronic books, 2500 E-Journals, and databases in Biosciences, Computer technology, social sciences, and management. The library made significant progress during the year.


*2. Collection Development and Management


Collection building is one of the important functions of the library that supports academic and research work of the students, faculty, staff and other users. Library collection comprising of books, journals, theses, reports, and other reading material in science, Computer technology, Commerce and management and is its greatest asset.


• Number of Books Available - 47745

• Number of Titles available - 27367

• Database Available - CMIE Prowess, N-LIST, EBSCO Business Elite and NDLI 

• Indian Journals/ Magazine - 250

• Foreign Journals / Magazine - 25

• Average number of Students visiting the library per day - 1150

• Average number of Books Issued per day - 250

• Available of Internet - 1000 Mbps

• Availability of Language Lab - Yes


*3. Knowledge Resources Centre

KNOWLEDGE RESOURCES CENTRE has established for enabling the students to access Video Lectures like NPTEL, online courses like EDX, Ted, MIT, Khan Academy, Coursera etc., Members are welcome to use these databases on the library premises, the digital resources are available to Dr. NGP ASC members on the intranet (Limited within the Campus). Electronic resources are available on the desktop of all the members. These include databases like N-LIST, Science Direct (Elsevier Science Publishers), and CMIE database. 


*4. Sharing of Resource


The library maintains excellent relations with UGC InfoNet - Digital Library Consortium (N-LIST). So our staff and student community may use ILL services to obtain articles not owned by the central library.


*5. Users Education


Users’ education is an important regular activity of the library to inform, alert, educate and train users about various resources and services of the library. In addition to orientation programs organized for new students, The College Hand Book & Calendar “Know Your Library” continues to be a popular medium to give detailed information about the activities and services of the library.


*6. Library Services: Reference, Consultation & Circulation


Circulation service helps users to make full use of library resources and services. It provides necessary assistance to users in locating information or document of their choice. The Library loaned 55969 books and other documents to its members during the year. In addition to members, 86499 visitors including students, research scholars, and faculty members used the library. It is open from 08.00 AM to 08.00 PM hrs on all working days and from 09.00 AM to 05.00 PM hrs on Saturdays.


*7. Book Exhibition


The Book Fair 2017 which is organized by the Library – Learning resource center at Dr. NGP Arts and Science College Campus during 28 & 29th December 2017.

Exhibitors: invited to take part in the fair are: KIRAN PRAKASHAN, SAKTHI BOOKS, OMNI BOOKS, AND SRI RAMAKRISHNA MATH


*8. Dr. IAS Academy Library


Dr. NGP IAS Academy Library is also equipped with latest editions of books for various competitive examinations. The library also provides reprography and print out the facility for students and staff members.



Contact Us

E Mail : library@drngpasc.ac.in

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